Asking the Right Questions
Integral to managing money is having a clear understanding of the market environment and being sure on where the exit is. The same goes for anyone looking to pull off a good prank, always be sure of your exit strategy! Since the football has failed to excite in recent weeks, bar the popping of the Manchester United bubble, I have decided to digress even further in my commentary this week.
On the walk into Ranelagh Friday night, an egg was thrown at me from a car at the top of Beechwood Avenue. If you know the area, you’ll know that you can get caught at the bottom of Beechwood Avenue as traffic backs up at the lights in Ranelagh. Having this insider knowledge, I sprinted a few hundred metres and came up behind the car and stuck my head in the passenger window exclaiming “are you throwing eggs at me”, taking the four college-aged looking guys completely by surprise. The fright alone was priceless, as the guy in the passenger seat pleaded his innocence “I didn’t do it, I didn’t, I didn’t do it”, with an egg in one hand and a half dozen box of eggs in the other. All I could do was laugh.
The lesson though, always be sure of your exit strategy, because when you need it most you don’t want to get caught in a queue, something those speculating in bonds should definitely keep in the front of their minds.